why breathwork?

The power of the breath is often underestimated. It is something we take for granted, an unconscious process that keeps us alive. 

Our lives are the journey between our first inhale and our last exhale. But what about all the breaths inbetween? We take on average 20,000 breaths each day. We think that they are automatic, that they just happen, whether we think about them or not. And while this may be true, the way we breathe has proven to be unhealthy and inefficient.

When we become aware of the breath and learn to harness its potential, we realise its true significance and impact on our wellbeing.

the power of the breath

The breath is more than the air that enters our lungs.

It is a gateway to inner peace, clarity, resilience and self-discovery.

It holds the capacity to create transformation, healing and a deeper understanding of our true nature.

It is the key to unlocking our potential and living authentically.

functional breathing

Functional breathing is more than just the mechanical act of inhaling and exhaling. Learning how to take deeper, slower breaths, through intentional breath control, can support our physiological function, enhance various aspects of our health, promote relaxation, reduce stress and foster a balanced state of mind and body.

neurological impact

Intentional and controlled breathing directly influences the autonomic nervous system, helping us shift from the stress-induced "fight or flight" mode to the restorative "rest and digest" response. By understanding and harnessing the intricate relationship between the breath and the autonomic nervous system, we can cultivate a state of balance, resilience, and overall neurological well-being.

emotional regulation

Certain types of breathwork (such as conscious connected breathwork) play a role in emotional regulation by modulating the amygdala, a key brain region associated with emotional processing. Through intentional breathing, we can influence emotional responses and facilitate emotional release.

neuroplasticity & mindfulness

The breath anchors us in the present moment. Regular breathwork has been associated with changes in the brain structure and function, promoting neuroplasticity. This practice heightens mindfulness, improving attention, concentration, and the ability to stay present.

exercise & performance

Intentional breathwork optimises respiratory mechanics and helps us utilise our full lung capacity. Furthermore, through ensuring that oxygen is delivered efficiently to our muscles and organs, we can maximise oxygen utilisation, enhancing overall performance and cognitive focus.

immune system support

Certain breathwork practices have been linked to potential benefits for the immune system. The relaxation response triggered by mindful and focused breathing can positively influence immune function, contributing to overall well-being.